We agree that cold blooded killings should be rare, right?

If driving your car into crowds of people is something you do often…

…you need to be more introspective.

(That means, consider your motives and thoughts.)

Let’s conduct a little thought experiment.

Suppose you hear that somebody intentionally drove a car into a crowd of people.

Is your first reaction horror and dismay?


Do you first ask, “Was it a crowd of Nazis?”

Because that is the kind of question…

…a Nazi would ask.

Tribalism is not morality.

If you make exceptions to your opposition of hate…


You are an advocate of hate when it serves YOUR purposes.

That’s called evil.

If violence is wrong when Nazis use it…

…it’s wrong when YOU use it too.

As your sitting in your car, revving the engine, peering at a mob of white supremacists…

…vile, wretched, bigoted, hateful, white supremacists…

…ask yourself this question:

“If I was in a crowd demonstrating against the alt-right and a Nazi was behind the wheel…

…what should that Nazi to do?”

The answer exposes your true beliefs.

Refusing to acknowledge the answer exposes your true character.

And blaming a politician for any of it is psychotic.

He who conceals his hatred has lying lips,

and whoever spreads slander is a fool.

Proverbs 10:18

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9 Responses

    1. Agreed. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness are fruits of the Spirit. Without the spirit, we’re savage animals.

  1. I like what you say, but I cannot help but think many Christians think that they can justify the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah, or the world flood by coming up with all kind of weird excuses.

    I understand as an atheist that all this is a myth, but why do responsible people worship such violent cruel gods in all the major religions?

    The answer I believe, may be that we have evolved from primitive man intact with certain animalistic survival attributes that lie inside our subconsciousness and unfortunately these cannot always be suppressed and can erupt into violence and hate for even the most passive of people.

    We may believe we are able to control our emotions and thoughts all the time but we all have different tolerances and breaking points when our emotions are severely tested, and obviously no one is exempt and that may be the point that the Christian God demonstrated.

    1. You’re confused because you don’t understand that people are naturally “bad” not naturally “good”.

      When you think of yourself as generally rotten and selfish instead of noble and wise, you’ll start to understand. Until then, you’ll keep making inane comments about God’s immorality under articles of a completely different subject.

      For the record, should the dude who rammed his car into all those people be punished? Does it make sense to render a judgment on his behavior? Am I being “violent and cruel” to suggest he pay for his crimes?

      1. “people are naturally “bad” not naturally “good”.”
        This is in part of what I am saying, we have an inherent emotion that is stronger in some people than others to commit violence and I believe it comes originally from our learned basic primitive survival techniques.

        I do not believe or claim I am rotten and selfish or noble and wise, however I do think my life is quite average as far as things go. It is not good to put yourself down or build yourself as something you are not. We all make mistakes and many people are mentally effected or stressed so none of us is perfect and I know you will agree with that.

        My comments about God’s immorality when his morality is used on a regular basis to make a point is fair I believe, and for the record, of course this dude should be punished and it is our duty to make sure he receives punishment that fits the crime and is fair and humane that meets the standards of a civilised people.

        1. Well, as long as you are doing just as good/bad as your average neighbors, that’s all that matters…

  2. I’m amazed that a week out, I keep hearing from all of the urbane, smart, evolved commentators that the guy who drove the car was a white supremacist, with the natural implication he was an agent of the group. But take the same facts for a guy who drives a truck into pedestrians on a bridge, shouting some incendiary phrase, and the same urbane, smart, evolved commentators say the guys name, but who knows why he did it, and we should investigate if he had help. The contrast is blinding.

  3. Excellent post, John!

    I was at a St. Patrick’s Day Parade in NYC many years ago. I was having a great time, with my husband. All of a sudden, a black SUV went roaring past us, up the street, and deliberately began hitting school band marchers and pedestrians.

    Ok, now I’m losing it…
    Why, why, why, why, why…
    The horror of being in the presence of evil

    Can’t see to type
    Tears, years later…

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