Jesus rode into Jerusalem and the crowd went wild!

Popular guy.

Had a gigantic following without a late night talk show.

No Twitter account.

No YouTube videos.

The guy went from obscurity to superstardom without the internet.

Because he preached love!

Love! Love! Love!

That was the sum total of Christ’s message!

Love-ity Love-ity Love Love


Right on!

Love is all you need!

Don’t think, just love!

Don’t judge, just love!

Don’t fret your conduct, just love!

Love everyone…everywhere…all the time!


Can I get an amen?


Love is ALL there was to Jesus.

So he was killed.

Makes sense, doesn’t it?

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56 Responses

  1. I had the communion mediation this morning and the point basically is 2000 plus years later people still don’t get it. The entry was misunderstood and now people still don’t recognize him for a who He is whether due to ignorance or willfully denying the truth insert atheist’s name here but there’s always hope.

  2. This is off the angry-atheist talking point issue for a bit, but:

    It’s kind of odd we act like the whole “Hosanna!” scene is something to celebrate. I’d never really thought about it before.

    These people all abandoned him within hours, when he didn’t bring about the earthly power-move they were hoping for, right? Maybe I’m misunderstanding.

    But they seemed to be celebrating the promise of a team win, that God was going to establish his Kingdom in a way that He actually isn’t interested in. “We” palm-waving, Hosanna!-types were refusing to see, because we thought in terms of politics.

    Maybe some of the same people were yelling, “Crucify him!”, later, too – I don’t know. But they certainly weren’t around for long. Palm Sunday seems tragic like Good Friday in that sense. We’re foolish like that.

  3. Well said. Kind of fascinating to me, here we are thousands of years later and we still have people trying to crucify Him, if only metaphorically and in their own minds.

  4. Preach it!

    Odd, though, how so far I am the only person to actually get it besides you and Amanda. But, then again, I don’t really understand my own faith.

    Just ask Mikey. He understands because he is an expert on all things Christian.

    1. I always encourage my first-grader to read through things at least twice, to make sure you grasp the point…

      KIA is very concerned that adults be held to the same standard as children, so–obviously he’s taking a minute now to re-read.

      1. Sadly, I will miss most of this conversation, as shortly I am heading to the goat herders cave for indoctrination. Unfortunately I DON”T get to indoctrinate the children this morning; for that I have to wait until tonight.

        1. We’ll be leaving soon, too! (Although, we often continue to conduct Atheist church right here, while sitting in the Christian service.) 🙂

          Happy Palm Sunday!

    1. I’m curious how having FOUR surviving biographies written by eyewitness account during the lifetime of the eye witnesses counts as “wasn’t mentioned by a single contemporary historian.” How many biographies of a historical figure have to survive before we admit they exist?
      Or do you discount biographies of historical figures when the authors believe what they are writing? Because that’s a REAL common objection to the FOUR biographies of Jesus. “Those can’t be trusted because they were written by CHRISTIANS!”
      Cracks me up.
      But I digress. So, those FOUR historical accounts don’t count, why?
      Thanks JZ, and you too JB, and friends!

  5. You should blame the god of the Bible. Wasn’t it His Plan? Wasn’t it a good thing that HAD to happen for the salvation of humanity? Wasn’t it jesus who ‘laid his life down’ and said no one took his life?
    All this rage, not comedic at all by the way, can be laid at the feet of the god who could have just Forgiven those who repent without the human blood sacrifice… if He wanted to. His rules broken, his Pride offended, his right to just Forgive rather than stage that Kabuki theater or brutality and murder of his own son. Utter bs. What a cruel bast*rd of a ‘loving’ God you have.

      1. The nt Jesus never existed. If there was a historical jesus, and I still think there might have been, he was a Jewish rabbi who got killed for being subversive and probably tossed into a common grave like all the other ‘messiahs’ who tried to whip up the Jewish people to rebellion against the Romans. That Jesus or Joshua or what ever his name was is dead. The Jesus portrayed in the nt is a fiction of religious myth

          1. I know I’m not funny.
            I’ve got audio recordings to prove it.

          2. I’ll agree with him about your post not being strictly funny, by itself. Should we tell him that HE (and the other Grumpy Atheists) are the joke?

          3. This post shouldn’t even show up on atheist radar. Jesus is fiction. I can’t fathom why they want to talk about his preaching.

        1. Hey preacher

          Cut and paste some more atheist evangelist talking points from the “How to devonvert Christians” Handbook.

          Or, come up with an original thought

          Your choice.

        2. My guess is, it’s time for a repost at KIAs blog. That’s usually why he shows up and posts something off-topic and then disappears. (“Hey guys, remember this thing I wrote a year ago! Well I’ve just written a new comment about it. Check it out! I won’t include a link.”)

          1. At your service. You have a fresh invite to one of my ‘recycled’ posts. Care to visit and enlighten us?

          2. Don’t like venues where you can’t control? Typical. You might learn something from the previous comments on that post. You’re always welcome

          3. Why would I offer it here? I have my own blog as you do yours, which is my primary outlet

          4. Exactly. I have my blog, and you have yours.

            There’s a group discussion happening here. I’m not interested in whatever is happening at yours. Thanks.

          5. You’re not a Christian.
            Got it.
            No need for further discussion.

          6. Here’s a riddle for you, Dad:

            What’s the difference between a sermon and a discussion.

            (Answer: a sermon is a sermon and a discussion is a discussion.)

          7. Is it an old post?

            Maybe you got a pingback the first time it was published, but not when it gets reused (and reused and reused and reused)?

          8. I am convinced that in all blog land only 10 atheist comments actually exist which are then copied and pasted all over the Web

          9. Sounds about right. Funny how they all seem to think they are so clever too. I haven’t seen anything new from atheists since I started chatting with them online 15 years ago.

          10. That may be it actually. But the accusation is always being to “indoctrinated” LOL. And to reference your other comment, yes they do. In fact Mike just recycled an old post to make fun of me today! It’s like having a spare room, right in Mike’s head

          11. Besides, I bet you still entertain them Wally. I’d be will to bet that Mike still mentions Chritian bloggers like you, me, CS, SoM… all the time just so he can mock them to entertain himself and the five idiots who read his blog.

          12. I know. Somewhere else in this thread, he linked to something he reposted today, and I recognized the title from a repost of a repost of a repost MONTHS ago.

            I meant what I said, and I tried to say it nicely. I’m simply not interested. The discussions here are more intellectual and varied, and I firmly believe we could discuss things for eternity without ever growing bored of searching after Truth. 😉

    1. Rage? No one is raging against Jesus’ sacrifice.

      This is a criticism of those who claim Jesus ONLY preached love/tolerance/acceptance.

      (Oh, by the way, this is still a public forum. So, if you’re thinking of telling anyone to “butt out,” you’re still being rude.)

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